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Keyword reports

Analytics divider Last updated: July 26, 2024

Keyword Overview (all databases)

Price: 10 API units per line

This report provides a keyword summary, including its volume, CPC, competition level, and the number of results in all regional databases.

About the Keyword Overview report ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_all

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database database

A regional database. If this parameter isn't specified, your request will be sent to all regional databases.


export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

export_columns Dt, Db, Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, In, Kd

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Db,Ph,Nq,Cp,Co,Nr

Response example

Copy code

Date;Database;Keyword;Search Volume;CPC;Competition

Keyword Overview (one database)

Price: 10 API units per line info
Historical price:
50 API units per line

This report provides a keyword summary, including its volume, CPC, competition level, and the number of results in a chosen regional database.

About the Keyword Overview report ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_this

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

display_date date in format "YYYYMM15"

Use this parameter to get data for a past month. For example, for December 2023, set this parameter to 20231215. If you want to get the most recent data, don't use this parameter or leave the value empty.

export_columns Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Td, In, Kd

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Nq,Cp,Co,Nr,Td&database=us

Response example

Copy code

Keyword;Search Volume;CPC;Competition;Number of Results;Trends

Batch Keyword Overview (one database)

Price: 10 API units per line info
Historical price:
50 API units per line

This report provides a summary of up to 100 keywords, including their volume, CPC, competition level, and the number of results in a chosen regional database.

About the bulk keyword analysis in Keyword Overview ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_these

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


export_escape 1

1If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

display_date date in format "YYYYMM15"

Use this parameter to get data for a past month. For example, for December 2023, set this parameter to 20231215. If you want to get the most recent data, don't use this parameter or leave the value empty.

export_columns Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Td, In, Kd

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code;seo&export_columns=Ph,Nq,Cp,Co,Nr,Td&database=us

Response example

Copy code

Keyword;Search Volume;CPC;Competition;Number of Results

Organic Results

Price: 10 API units per line info
Historical price:
50 API units per line

This report lists domains ranking in Google's top 100 organic search results with a requested keyword.

About the keyword organic value analysis in Keyword Overview ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_organic

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


display_limit integer

The number of results returned for a request. Default is 10,000 lines.

When using the "positions_type" parameter in the "all" type, the number of results returned by the request is limited by positions, not by rows.

If you need more than 100,000 results, refer to display_offset.

export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

display_date date in format "YYYYMM15"

Use this parameter to get data for a past month. For example, for December 2023, set this parameter to 20231215. If you want to get the most recent data, don't use this parameter or leave the value empty.

export_columns Po, Pt, Dn, Ur, Fk, Fp, Fl

Commas must separate required columns; default columns (Dn, Ur, Fk) will be sent if this parameter is not specified.

positions_type organic, all

“organic” indicates results with only the traditional organic positions on the SERP, and it's applied to the method by default.

“all” indicates results that contain the traditional organic positions and the SERP Features as positions. In that case, the “Pt” column will return “-1” for the organic or SERP feature code.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Ur,Fk,Fp&database=us&display_limit=10

Response example

Copy code

Domain;Url;Keywords SERP Features;SERP Features;;1;6;;1;;;1;;;1;6;;1;;;1;;;1;;;1;;;1;;;1;
Price: 20 API units per line info
Historical price:
100 API units per line

This report lists domains ranking in Google's paid search results with a requested keyword.

About the keyword advertising value analysis in Keyword Overview ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_adwords

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equals to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

Keep in mind that the max. number of the returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, refer to display_offset.

export_escape 1

If this parameter is set to "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter is set to "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if it's set to "1", the response will not be converted.

display_date date in the "YYYYMM15" format

Use this parameter to get data for a past month. For example, for December 2023, set this parameter to 20231215. If you want to get the most recent data, don't use this parameter or leave the value empty.

export_columns Dn, Ur, Vu

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Ur,Vu&database=us&display_limit=10

Response example

Copy code

Domain;Url;Visible Url;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Price: 40 API units per line

This report provides an extended list of related keywords, synonyms, and variations relevant to a queried term in a chosen database.

About the related keyword analysis in Keyword Overview ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_related

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equals to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

Please keep in mind that the max number of the returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, refer to display_offset.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
Please keep in mind that if you use the option display_offset, display_limit, the value should be increased by value display_offset.

Please keep in mind that if you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the value of display_offset to the value of display_limit.

export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

export_columns Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Td, Rr, Fk, In, Kd

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

display_sort nq_asc, nq_desc, cp_asc, cp_desc, co_as…
nq_asc, nq_desc, cp_asc, cp_desc, co_asc, co_desc, nr_asc, nr_desc, rr_asc, rr_desc, kd_asc, kd_desc

This parameter allows you to choose by which column you would like to sort your results—in either ascending or descending order.

display_filter Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Wc, Fk, Kd

Filters for columns.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Nq,Cp,Co,Nr,Td,Rr,Fk&database=us&display_limit=10&display_sort=nq_desc&display_filter=%2B|Nq|Lt|1000

Response example

Copy code

Keyword;Search Volume;CPC;Competition;Number of Results;Trends;Related Relevance;SERP Features
beginners guide;880;0;0.01;1750000000;0.82,1.00,0.82,1.00,0.82,0.82,0.67,0.82,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00;0.05;1,6,7,20,21
best po sites;880;0.14;0.38;1040000000;0.67,0.67,0.67,1.00,0.67,0.20,0.20,0.25,0.25,0.04,0.01,0.02;0.05;15,20,21
best seo;880;6.55;0.33;631000000;0.45,0.77,1.00,0.45,0.77,0.77,1.00,0.68,0.45,0.55,0.68,0.55;0.15;4,6,11,22
how seo works;880;3.93;0.28;164000000;0.55,1.00,0.77,0.77,0.68,0.45,0.45,0.45,0.45,0.45,0.77,0.68;0.15;6,11,20,21,22
how to improve seo;880;2.9;0.34;233000000;1.00,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.72,0.72,0.72,0.72,1.00,0.88;0.1;11,20,21
page two of google;880;0;0;7640000000;0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,1.00,0.36,0.20,0.13,0.55,0.13;0.05;5,9,21
search e;880;2.3;0.1;24160000000;0.88,0.72,0.88,0.72,0.72,0.72,0.88,1.00,0.88,1.00,0.88,0.72;0.05;4,6,8
search engine optimization definition;880;5.2;0.09;29800000;0.88,0.88,1.00,0.72,0.39,0.39,0.59,0.88,1.00,0.88,0.88,0.88;0.45;0,1,6,15,20,21,22
seo for beginners;880;2.45;0.29;18500000;0.68,0.68,1.00,1.00,0.77,0.77,0.55,0.45,0.45,0.45,0.55,0.68;0.3;6,11,20,21,22
seo for dummies;880;1.93;0.98;2850000;0.68,1.00,1.00,0.68,0.77,0.68,0.68,0.68,0.55,0.55,0.77,0.68;0.05;1,6,7,20,21

Keyword Ads History

Price: 100 API units per line

This report shows domains that have bid on a requested keyword in the last 12 months and their positions in paid search results.

About the keyword advertising value analysis in Keyword Overview ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_adwords_historical

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equals to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

Please keep in mind that the max number of the returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, refer to display_offset.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
Please keep in mind that if you use the option display_offset, display_limit, the value should be increased by value display_offset.

Please keep in mind that if you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the value of display_offset to the value of display_limit.

export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

export_columns Dn, Dt, Po, Ur, Tt, Ds, Vu, At, Ac, Ad

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Dt,Po,Ur,Tt,Ds,Vu&phrase=movie&database=us

Response example

Copy code

Domain;Date;Position;Url;Title;Description;Visible Url;20140515;1;;Blended Movie -;A wildly different family vacation. Out 5/23. Buy Tickets Today!;;20140415;;;;;;20140315;;;;;;20140215;;;;;;20140115;;;;;;20131215;;;;;;20131115;;;;;;20131015;;;;;;20130915;;;;;;20130815;;;;;;20130715;;;;;;20130615;;;;;

Broad Match Keyword

Price: 20 API units per line

The report lists broad matches and alternate search queries, including particular keywords or keyword expressions.

About the related keyword analysis in Keyword Overview ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_fullsearch

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equals to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

Please keep in mind that the max number of the returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, refer to display_offset.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
Please keep in mind that if you use the option display_offset, display_limit, the value should be increased by value display_offset.

Please keep in mind that if you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the value of display_offset to the value of display_limit.

export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

export_columns Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Td, Fk, In, Kd

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

display_sort nq_asc, nq_desc, cp_asc, cp_desc, co_as…
nq_asc, nq_desc, cp_asc, cp_desc, co_asc, co_desc, nr_asc, nr_desc, kd_asc, kd_desc

This parameter allows you to choose by which column you would like to sort your results—in either ascending or descending order.

display_filter Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Wc, Fk, Kd

Filters for columns.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Nq,Cp,Co,Nr,Td,Fk&database=us&display_limit=10&display_sort=nq_desc&display_filter=%2B|Nq|Lt|1000

Response example

Copy code

Keyword;Search Volume;CPC;Competition;Number of Results;Trends;SERP Features
affordable seo;880;13.91;0.22;29900000;0.45,0.55,0.30,0.45,0.81,1.00,0.63,0.45,0.55,0.63,0.55,0.45;6,7,22
affordable seo services;880;15.67;0.11;24000000;0.37,0.55,0.25,0.25,0.68,1.00,1.00,0.68,1.00,1.00,0.55,0.45;6,11,15,22
arizona seo;880;6.05;0.02;15900000;0.72,0.72,0.88,0.59,1.00,0.88,1.00,1.00,0.88,0.88,0.59,0.59;3,20
atlanta seo expert;880;17.99;0.13;4090000;0.25,1.00,1.00,0.20,0.20,0.20,0.30,0.20,0.16,0.11,0.09,0.11;6,7,9,20
best seo;880;6.55;0.33;631000000;0.77,1.00,0.45,0.77,0.77,1.00,0.68,0.45,0.55,0.68,0.55,0.55;4,6,11,22
best seo plugin for wordpress;880;2.74;0.1;11700000;0.77,0.68,0.55,0.55,0.68,0.55,0.55,0.55,0.55,1.00,0.77,0.77;11,20,21,22
best seo plugin wordpress;880;3.09;0.09;12800000;0.68,0.68,0.77,0.68,0.55,0.55,0.68,0.55,0.55,0.55,0.55,1.00;11,20,21,22
boca raton seo;880;7.58;0.11;2770000;1.00,1.00,0.25,0.16,0.37,0.30,0.20,0.11,0.11,0.16,0.16,0.16;3,5,6,20
boston seo agency;880;15.21;0.1;8630000;0.20,1.00,1.00,0.07,0.06,0.13,0.16,0.11,0.07,0.09,0.07,0.07;3,5,20,22
boston seo expert;880;12.73;0.04;4380000;0.25,1.00,1.00,0.13,0.13,0.11,0.45,0.20,0.13,0.13,0.09,0.09;6,9,20,22

Phrase questions

Price: 40 API units per line

The report lists phrase questions relevant to a queried term in a chosen database.

About the related keyword analysis in Keyword Overview ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_questions

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

A keyword or keyword expression you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equals to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

Please keep in mind that the max number of the returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, refer to display_offset.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
Please keep in mind that if you use the option display_offset, display_limit, the value should be increased by value display_offset.

Please keep in mind that if you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the value of display_offset to the value of display_limit.

export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter uses the value "0", the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; if "1", the response will not be converted.

export_columns Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Td, In, Kd

Required columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

display_sort nq_asc, nq_desc, cp_asc, cp_desc, co_as…
nq_asc, nq_desc, cp_asc, cp_desc, co_asc, co_desc, nr_asc, nr_desc, kd_asc, kd_desc

This parameter allows you to choose by which column you would like to sort your results—in either ascending or descending order.

display_filter Ph, Nq, Cp, Co, Nr, Kd

Filters for columns.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Nq,Cp,Co,Nr,Td&database=us&display_limit=10&display_sort=nq_desc&display_filter=%2B|Nq|Lt|1000

Response example

Copy code

Keyword;Search Volume;CPC;Competition;Number of Results;Trends
how to seo;880;5.23;0.16;611000000;0.88,1.00,1.00,1.00,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.88,0.88
how does seo work;590;3.6;0.09;183000000;0.67,0.82,0.82,1.00,0.82,0.82,0.82,0.82,0.82,0.82,1.00,0.67
how to improve seo;590;7.11;0.4;135000000;0.82,0.82,1.00,0.82,0.82,1.00,0.82,0.82,0.82,0.82,1.00,0.82
what is seo and how it works;590;5.69;0.18;188000000;0.44,0.54,0.82,1.00,1.00,0.67,0.54,0.67,0.67,0.82,1.00,1.00
how seo works;480;6.62;0.24;163000000;0.81,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.66,1.00,1.00
kim min seo;480;0;0;51100000;0.55,0.55,0.36,0.36,0.36,0.55,0.44,0.67,0.44,0.55,1.00,0.67
what is seo writing;480;2.16;0.12;158000000;0.66,1.00,0.66,0.81,1.00,1.00,0.81,1.00,1.00,1.00,0.81,0.66
how much does seo cost;390;7.44;0.31;80300000;0.81,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.81,1.00,0.81,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81,0.67
kim seo hyung;390;0;0;9000000;0.54,0.67,0.54,0.54,0.54,1.00,0.81,0.81,0.67,0.67,0.81,1.00
ko seo hyun;390;0;0.01;0;0.04,0.06,0.07,0.07,0.04,0.13,0.30,0.09,0.81,1.00,0.45,0.13

Keyword Difficulty

Price: 50 API units per line

This report provides keyword difficulty, an index that helps to estimate how difficult it would be to seize competitors' positions in organic search within Google's top 10 with a queried search term.

Learn more about keyword difficulty ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* phrase_kdi

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.

phrase* phrase

Phrase (from 1 to 100 keywords separated by semicolons)

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).


export_escape 1

If this parameter uses the value "1", the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_columns Ph, Kd

Ph, KdRequired columns must be separated by commas; if this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Copy code

Request example

Copy code,Kd&phrase=ebay;seo&database=us

Response example

Copy code

Keyword;Keyword Difficulty Index


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