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Projects divider Last updated: May 3, 2024

List All Existing Projects

Price: 100 API units per request info
Historical price:

This request returns a list of all projects with their ID, project name, domain name, and tools activated for each project.

About project management in the Semrush web interface ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
key* API_KEY

Identification key assigned to each user after subscribing to Semrush. You'll find it in Subscription info > API units.

filter One of: 'all', 'own' (default), 'share…
One of: 'all', 'own' (default), 'shared', 'corporate'.

Filter projects by user permissions. Use one of the possible values:
- all: No filter.
- own: Return only the projects owned by the user with the submitted ID key. Used by default.
- shared: Return shared projects only.
- corporate: For corporate subscribers only.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Response parameters
Name Value/Type Description
project_id ID

Project ID.

project_name Name

Project name.


Project domain.


Project domain encoded in Unicode.

tools List

List of project tools activated by the user.

owner_id ID

Project owner ID.

permission List

Project permissions of the user with the submitted ID key. Possible values: OWNER, READ, WRITE, CORP_ADMIN_READ, CORP_ADMIN_WRITE.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Request example

Response example

    "url": "",
    "domain_unicode": "",
    "tools": [
        "tool": "tracking"
    "project_id": 643526670283248,
    "project_name": "myproject",
    "owner_id": 123456780,
    "permission": [

Get Information About An Existing Project

Price: 100 API units per request

This request returns information about a project, including its ID, project name, domain name, and activated tools.

About project management in the Semrush web interface ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
key* API_KEY

Identification key assigned to each user after subscribing to Semrush. You'll find it in Subscription info > API units.

id* ID

Project ID.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Response parameters
Name Value/Type Description
project_id ID

Project ID.

project_name Name

Project name.


Project domain.


Project domain encoded in Unicode.

tools List

List of project tools activated by the user.

owner_id ID

Project owner ID.

permission List

Project permissions of the user with the submitted ID key. Possible values: OWNER, READ, WRITE, CORP_ADMIN_READ, CORP_ADMIN_WRITE.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Request example{id}?key=API_KEY

Response example

  "url": "",
  "domain_unicode": "",
  "tools": [
      "tool": "tracking"
  "project_id": 643526670283248,
  "project_name": "myproject",
  "owner_id": 123456780,
  "permission": [

Create A New Project

Price: 100 API units per request

This request lets you create a new project, name it, and assign a domain.

About project management in the Semrush web interface ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
key* API_KEY

Identification key assigned to each user after subscribing to Semrush. You'll find it in Subscription info > API units.


Project domain.

project_name Name

Project name. You can't use any of the following symbols: ~, `, !, #, %, ', ^, &, *, =, [, ], \, /, {, }, |, ", :, <, >, ?.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Response parameters
Name Value/Type Description
project_id ID

Project ID.

project_name Name

Project name.


Project domain.


Project domain encoded in Unicode.

tools List

List of project tools activated by the user.

owner_id ID

Project owner ID.

permission List

Project permissions of the user with the submitted ID key. Possible values: OWNER, READ, WRITE, CORP_ADMIN_READ, CORP_ADMIN_WRITE.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (POST)

Request example

  "project_name": "myproject",
  "url": ""

Response example

  "url": "",
  "domain_unicode": "",
  "tools": [
      "tool": "tracking"
  "project_id": 643526670283248,
  "project_name": "myproject",
  "owner_id": 123456780,
  "permission": [

Update An Existing Project

Price: 100 API units per request

This request lets you rename a project.

About project management in the Semrush web interface ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
key* API_KEY

Identification key assigned to each user after subscribing to Semrush. You'll find it in Subscription info > API units.

project_id* ID

Project ID.

project_name* Name

New project name.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Response parameters
Name Value/Type Description
project_id ID

Project ID.

project_name Name

New project name.


Project domain.


Project domain encoded in Unicode.

tools List

List of project tools activated by the user.

owner_id ID

Project owner ID.

permission List

Project permissions of the user with the submitted ID key. Possible values: OWNER, READ, WRITE, CORP_ADMIN_READ, CORP_ADMIN_WRITE.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (PUT)

Request example

  "project_id": 643526670283248,
  "project_name": "New project name"

Response example

  "url": "",
  "domain_unicode": "",
  "tools": [
      "tool": "tracking"
  "project_id": 643526670283248,
  "project_name": "New project name",
  "owner_id": 123456780,
  "permission": [

Delete an existing project

Price: 100 API units per request

This request lets you delete a project and all campaigns in the activated tools.

About project management in the Semrush web interface ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
key* API_KEY

Identification key assigned to each user after subscribing to Semrush. You'll find it in Subscription info > API units.

id* ID

Project ID.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (DELETE){id}?key=API_KEY

Request example{id}?key=API_KEY