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URL reports

Analytics divider Last updated: May 17, 2023

URL Overview (one database)

Price: 10 API units per line info
Historical price:
50 API units per line

This report provides live or historical data on a URL’s keyword rankings in both organic and paid search in a chosen regional database.

About the Domain Overview report ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* url_rank

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.


A unique name of a website's URL you’d like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).

export_escape 1

If this parameter is set to 1, the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter is set to 0, the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; otherwise, the response will not be converted.

display_date date in format "YYYYMM15"

A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to a date in the past or choose the current date.

export_columns Dn, Or, Xn, Ot, Oc, Ad, At, Ac, FKn, FP…
Dn, Or, Xn, Ot, Oc, Ad, At, Ac, FKn, FPn, Ipu, Ip0, Ip1, Ip2, Ip3, Itu, It0, It1, It2, It3, Icu, Ic0, Ic1, Ic2, Ic3, Sr, Srb, St, Stb, Sc, Srn, Srl

Required columns must be separated by commas. If this parameter is not specified, default columns will be sent.


* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Request example,Ot,Oc,Ad,At,Ac&

Response example

Organic Keywords;Organic Traffic;Organic Cost;Adwords Keywords;Adwords Traffic;Adwords Cost

URL Overview (history)

Price: 10 API units per line info
Historical price:

This report provides live and historical data on a URL's keyword rankings in both organic and paid search in a chosen database.

About the Domain Overview report ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* url_rank_history

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.


A unique name of a website URL you’d like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).

display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter isn't specified or equals 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

The maximum number of returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, use the display_offset parameter.

The maximum value for display_limit is 4,000,000.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.

Remember that if you use the display_offset option, the display_limit value should be increased by the value set in display_offset.

If you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the display_offset value to display_limit.

Keep in mind that the display_limit value must not exceed 4,000,000.

export_escape 1

If this parameter is set to 1, the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

Export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter is set to 0, the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; otherwise, the response won't be converted.

display_daily 1

This parameter allows you to get daily updates on position changes that occurred in the last 30 days or more. If the parameter isn't specified, your report will show monthly results for the current and previous months.

export_columns Or, Xn, Ot, Oc, Ad, At, Ac, Dt, FKn, FP…
Or, Xn, Ot, Oc, Ad, At, Ac, Dt, FKn, FPn, Sr, Srb, St, Stb, Sc

The required columns must be separated by commas. If this parameter isn't specified, the default columns will be sent.


display_sort dt_asc, dt_desc

This parameter allows you to choose by which column you would like to sort your results in ascending or descending order.


* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Request example,Ot,Oc,Ad,At,Ac,Dt&

Response example

Organic Keywords;Organic Traffic;Organic Cost;Adwords Keywords;Adwords Traffic;Adwords Cost;Date

URL Overview (all databases)

Price: 10 API units per line info
Historical price:
50 API units per line

This report provides live or historical data on a URL’s keyword rankings in both organic and paid search in all regional databases.

About the Domain Overview report ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* url_ranks

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.


A unique name of a website URL you’d like to investigate.

database database

A regional database. If this parameter isn't specified, your request will be sent to all regional databases.

display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter isn't specified or equals 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

The maximum number of returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, use the display_offset parameter.

The maximum value for display_limit is 4,000,000.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.

Remember that if you use the display_offset option, the display_limit value should be increased by the value set in display_offset.

If you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the display_offset value to display_limit.

Keep in mind that the display_limit value must not exceed 4,000,000.

export_escape 1

If this parameter is set to 1, the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

display_date date in format "YYYYMM15"

A date for which a report will be shown. You can roll back to a date in the past or choose the current date.

export_columns Db, Dt, Dn, Rk, Or, Ot, Oc, Ad, At, Ac,…
Db, Dt, Dn, Rk, Or, Ot, Oc, Ad, At, Ac, Sh, Sv, FKn, FPn, Sr, Srb, St, Stb, Sc, Srn, Srl

The required columns must be separated by commas. If this parameter isn't specified, the default columns will be sent.


display_sort rk_asc, rk_desc, or_asc, or_desc, ot_as…
rk_asc, rk_desc, or_asc, or_desc, ot_asc, ot_desc, oc_asc, oc_desc, ad_asc, ad_desc, at_asc, at_desc, ac_asc, ac_desc

This parameter allows you to choose by which column you would like to sort your results in ascending or descending order.


* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Request example,Dn,Or,Ot,Oc,Ad,At,Ac,Sh,Sv&

Response example

Database;Domain;Organic Keywords;Organic Traffic;Organic Cost;Adwords Keywords;Adwords Traffic;Adwords Cost;PLA keywords;PLA uniques

URL organic search keywords

Price: 10 API units per line info
Historical price:
50 API units per line

This report lists keywords that bring users to a URL via Google's top 100 organic search results.

About the Organic Research Overview report ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* url_organic

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.


The URL of a landing page you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).

display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter isn't specified or equals 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

The maximum number of returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, use the display_offset parameter.

The maximum value for display_limit is 4,000,000.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.

Remember that if you use the display_offset option, the display_limit value should be increased by the value set in display_offset.

If you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the display_offset value to display_limit.

Keep in mind that the display_limit value must not exceed 4,000,000.

export_escape 1

If this parameter is set to 1, the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter is set to 0, the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; otherwise, the response won't be converted.

display_date date in format "YYYYMM15"

A date for which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose the current date.

export_columns Ph, Po, Pp, Nq, Cp, Co, Kd, Tr, Tg, Tc,…
Ph, Po, Pp, Nq, Cp, Co, Kd, Tr, Tg, Tc, Nr, Td, Fp, Fk, Ts, In, Pt

The required columns must be separated by commas. If this parameter isn't specified, the default columns will be sent.

display_sort po_asc, po_desc, tg_asc, tg_desc, tr_as…
po_asc, po_desc, tg_asc, tg_desc, tr_asc, tr_desc, tc_asc, tc_desc, nq_asc, nq_desc

This parameter allows you to choose by which column you would like to sort your results in ascending or descending order.


display_filter Ph, Po, Nq, Cp, Ur, Tg, Tr, Tc, Nr, Co,…
Ph, Po, Nq, Cp, Ur, Tg, Tr, Tc, Nr, Co, Pp, Pd, Fp, Fk, In, Br

Filters for columns.

display_positions_type organic, all, serp_features

The organic value indicates keywords where the URL ranks only in the traditional SERP positions, and it's applied to the method by default.
all indicates keywords where the URL ranks in the traditional positions and the SERP Features.
serp_features indicates keywords where the URL ranks only in the SERP Features.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Request example,Po,Nq,Cp,Co,Tr,Tc,Nr,Td&url=

Response example

Keyword;Position;Search Volume;CPC;Competition;Traffic (%);Traffic Cost;Number of Results;Trends
seo tools;4;8100;10.54;0.54;3.21;5976;226000000;0.67,0.82,0.82,1.00,0.82,0.82,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.82,0.82
free seo tools;6;1600;7.18;0.60;0.45;574;209000000;0.68,0.84,1.00,1.00,1.00,0.84,0.84,1.00,1.00,0.84,1.00,0.84
seo book keyword suggestion tool free download;1;70;0.00;0.14;0.31;0;775000;0.29,1.00,0.00,0.43,0.00,0.00,0.14,0.00,0.14,0.00,0.00,0.43
seo tools search engine software;2;210;0.00;0.02;0.15;0;37600000;0.54,1.00,1.00,0.81,0.65,0.81,1.00,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.54,0.35
tools seobook;1;30;16.96;0.29;0.13;407;162000;0.27,0.08,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04,0.54,1.00,1.00,0.04
seo tools software;7;480;5.66;0.11;0.10;108;152000000;0.54,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.81,1.00,1.00,1.00,0.66,0.81,1.00,0.54
free seo;7;480;4.09;0.54;0.10;78;727000000;0.81,1.00,0.81,1.00,1.00,0.66,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.81,1.00,1.00
search engine optimization tools;4;260;9.58;0.45;0.10;174;80600000;1.00,0.81,0.66,0.81,0.66,0.66,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.66,1.00,1.00
seo optimization tools;4;210;8.21;0.33;0.07;120;56300000;0.81,1.00,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.65,0.81,0.65,0.65,0.81,1.00
seo optimization software;6;210;21.58;0.13;0.05;226;59100000;0.54,0.81,0.54,0.54,0.81,0.81,0.81,0.54,0.65,0.81,1.00,1.00

URL paid search keywords

Price: 20 API units per line info
Historical price:
100 API units per line

This report lists keywords that bring users to a URL via Google's paid search results.

About the Advertising Research Positions report ›

Request parameters
Name Value/Type Description
type* url_adwords

The report type.

key* API_KEY

An identification key assigned to a user after subscribing to Semrush. The key is available on the Profile page.


The URL of a landing page you'd like to investigate.

database* database

A regional database (one value from the list).

display_limit integer

The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter isn't specified or equals 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.

The maximum number of returned results is 100,000. If you need more results, use the display_offset parameter.

The maximum value for display_limit is 4,000,000.

display_offset integer

This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.

Remember that if you use the display_offset option, the display_limit value should be increased by the value set in display_offset.

If you need more than the first 100,000 results, add the display_offset value to display_limit.

Keep in mind that the display_limit value must not exceed 4,000,000.

export_escape 1

If this parameter is set to 1, the report’s columns will be wrapped in double quotation marks (").

export_decode 1 or 0

If this parameter is set to 0, the response will be sent as a URL-encoded string; otherwise, the response won't be converted.

display_date date in format "YYYYMM15"

A date for which a report will be shown. You can roll back to a date in the past or choose the current date.

export_columns Ph, Po, Nq, Cp, Co, Tg, Tr, Tc, Nr, Td,…
Ph, Po, Nq, Cp, Co, Tg, Tr, Tc, Nr, Td, Tt, Ds, Ts

The required columns must be separated by commas. If this parameter isn't specified, the default columns will be sent.

display_sort po_asc, po_desc, tg_asc, tg_desc, tr_as…
po_asc, po_desc, tg_asc, tg_desc, tr_asc, tr_desc, tc_asc, tc_desc, nq_asc, nq_desc

This parameter allows you to choose by which column you would like to sort your results in ascending or descending order.

display_filter Ph, Po, Nq, Cp, Ur, Tg, Tr, Tc, Nr, Co,…
Ph, Po, Nq, Cp, Ur, Tg, Tr, Tc, Nr, Co, Pp, Pd

Filters for columns.

* Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required

Endpoint (GET)

Request example,Po,Nq,Cp,Co,Tr,Tc,Nr,Td,Tt,Ds&url=

Response example

Keyword;Position;Search Volume;CPC;Competition;Traffic (%);Traffic Cost;Number of Results;Trends;Title;Description
amazon;1;83100000;0.02;0.16;0.68;78114;81;1.00,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81; Official Site | Huge Selection & Great Prices;Free Two-Day Shipping with Prime. Read Ratings & Reviews. Try Prime for Free. Explore Amazon Devices. Shop Best Sellers & Deals. Save with Our Low Prices. Shop Our Huge Selection. Fast Shipping.
amazon;1;83100000;0.02;0.16;0.68;78114;75;1.00,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81; Official Site | Huge Selection & Great Prices;Free Two-Day Shipping with Prime. Shop Our Huge Selection. Try Prime for Free.
amazon;1;83100000;0.02;0.16;0.68;78114;2680000000;1.00,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81; | Amazon® Official Site | Huge Selection & Great Prices;Free Two-Day Shipping with Prime. Explore Amazon Devices. Shop Our Huge Selection. Read Ratings & Reviews. Try Prime for Free. Fast Shipping. Save with Our Low Prices.
amazon;1;83100000;0.02;0.16;0.68;78114;84;1.00,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81;Amazon® Official Site | Huge Selection & Great Prices;Free Two-Day Shipping with Prime. Shop Our Huge Selection. Fast Shipping. Read Ratings & Reviews. Shop Best Sellers & Deals. Stream Videos Instantly. Save with Our Low Prices.
amazon;1;83100000;0.02;0.16;0.68;78114;76;1.00,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81,0.67,0.67,0.67,0.81; Official Site | Free 2-Day Shipping with Prime;Earth's biggest selection of books, electronics, apparel & more at low prices.