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The .Trends API offers a robust array of data related to website traffic and market trends. With access to the .Trends API, you can easily pull raw Semrush .Trends data straight into your in-house reports or systems.
You can integrate the .Trends API with:
The .Trends API not only provides essential data for understanding the market and competitors, but it also lets you analyze potential partners and identify sales leads and future investment opportunities.
Accessing and analyzing data from the .Trends API helps you quickly generate key insights to enhance your strategy and grow your business.
Here are some types of analysis you can do with the .Trends API data:
If you’re using the old Traffic Analytics API, refer to the TA API documentation.
Semrush offers two .Trends API subscription plans for different customers and needs:
Offers access to broad traffic summaries that include website traffic metrics and user behavior data:
Offers everything included in the .Trends Basic API, along with 16 additional data types that let you dig deeper into market dynamics, competitor strategies, and web traffic flows:
To start, you'll need to your API key. This is a unique code that informs the system that it's you who is requesting the data.
To learn how to find your API key, refer to Get API key.
Once you have your API Key, you can create an API request—a set of directions you send our system that communicates the types of data you want to receive.
For each API request, you'll create a separate URL. This URL has several parts that tell our system what data you want and from which domains.
.Trends API request example,visits,users&display_date=2024-06-01&country=US
This API request lets you get the Traffic Summary report. Let's break it down:
: Endpoint—a URL that lets you connect to the server to use the .Trends API.summary
: The type of report you want to get. Put ?
after it to add the request parameters. Separate parameters by &
: Your API Key, which identifies you to the
: The domain, subdomain, or folder you want to analyze.export_columns=target,visits,users
: The specific types of data you need.display_date=2024-06-01
: The date range for the data you
: The country you want the data from.To learn more about building API requests, refer to Break down your API calls in a text editor.
You can find all the available reports and check more request examples in the .Trends API reference.
Ready to start working with the .Trends API data?
You're just 10 minutes away from your first data report!
To get started, head to the .Trends API reference. You'll find everything you need there to get the ball rolling.
We're here to help if you need a hand
Running into roadblocks? Click the Need help button at the top right corner of any page or check out the FAQ section to find answers to common questions from the API users.
Need access to the .Trends API?
To gain access to the .Trends API, send a request to the Semrush Sales team.
Not at all! Building an API request and sending it to the system is simple. Everything you need to know is in the .Trends API reference page.
The traffic data goes back as far as 2017. Age and Sex audience data goes back to April 2020, while Socioeconomic data goes back to April 2022.
We don't send notifications when new data is available. To check it, go to the Semrush .Trends interface. The data available in the .Trends interface is also available through the .Trends API.
Refer to the .Trends API error codes and messages.
To access the .Trends API, you'll need to purchase a Semrush subscription. You can find Semrush subscription options on the Plans & Pricing page.
To purchase more .Trends API units, go to the Subscription info page.
If you don't have access to the .Trends API, contact the Sales team using the Sales Inquiry form, and the team will provide you with a quote that fits your needs.
You can request API data whenever you want as long as you have .Trends API units. Your limits renew automatically each month, but you can buy more at any time on the Subscription info page.
Semrush .Trends processes raw clickstream data through the proprietary machine learning algorithm to generate traffic estimates. To learn more about the process, refer to How Semrush Turns Traffic Data Into Traffic Intelligence.
You can access .Trends API data as soon as it's available in the Semrush .Trends interface. Each week, Semrush provides data for the previous week. The complete dataset for the prior month becomes available by the 10th day of the current month.
Yes, you can increase your per-hour limit if you have less than 20,000 API units per month. By default, the limit is set to 10,000 requests per hour. Once you have 20,000 units or more each month, your hourly limit will increase to 20,000 requests per hour. To access the higher limit, you need to add an extra 10,000 API units to your subscription. You can check the number of API Units and buy more on the Subscription info page.
Semrush doesn't offer a free .Trends API trial. If you have questions about using the .Trends API or would like learn more about it, check out the How the .Trends API works video or contact the Sales team using the Sales Inquiry form.
Semrush stores data for three months after any significant algorithm update. We can provide this data by request. Contact our customer support if you have questions.
If you request data using the Traffic Summary, Daily Traffic, or Weekly Traffic methods and receive an empty response, you won't be charged any API units for that request.
However, for other .Trends API methods, API units will still be charged even if no data is returned.