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NoticeBubble (Alert) is a notification component that informs users about completed actions, the beginning or ending of a process.

Let's compare NoticeBubble with Notice and NoticeGlobal based on the following criteria:

Comparison table of criteria for Notice, NoticeBubble and NoticeGlobal
Refers to the entire website✅ ❌
Global: Refers to pages, blocks, or large components rather than specific elements✅ ❌
Important: Missing the notice may result in missed opportunities or loss of data
Temporary: Appears and disappears under certain conditions, not a default block element

This component includes:

  • Text (we recommend keeping the message within 2 lines, maximum – 4 lines).
  • An optional Close icon to dismiss the alert (use the Close icon with M size).
  • An optional single button or two buttons.

It cannot contain:

  • Images (holiday alerts are an exception).
  • More than two buttons.

When to use NoticeBubble

  • To notify about the beginning or completion of a process that remains hidden from the user.
  • For indicating changes to content in other parts of the report that are not currently being viewed.For example, starting or completing a campaign collection, or saving an event in drafts (where the changes are not visible to the user at the moment, as the event card remains unchanged on the screen), and more.
  • To notify about an action that causes changes to the content on the page. For example, using the "Undo" button to delete an item.
  • To notify about moving an item and removing it from its current position to other reports, lists, or tables (also applicable to content changes).

When to avoid using NoticeBubble

  • Avoid using it to display a loading process with a Spin or ProgressBar, except in the case of a no-network condition.
  • Avoid using it for visible instant interface changes, such as adding a tag to an item (where the tag appears instantly) or adding an item to favorites (resulting in an immediate change to the icon color).


NoticeBubble types
TypeDescriptionAppearance example
InfoThis type is used to inform the user about the beginning or completion of a process that remains hidden from the user in the interface.
WarningThis type is used to alert users when a connection is lost.

Use cases for NoticeBubble types

Use cases for NoticeBubble types
Use caseDescriptionAppearance example
BasicThis type of notification is used to inform the user about the beginning or completion of a process that remains hidden from the user in the interface. It can also be used to notify about changes to content in other parts of the report that are not currently being viewed.
Undo actionThis notification is used for completed actions with an option to cancel them. It is ideal for scenarios involving moving or deleting items. Use the button with use="secondary", theme="invert", and with M size for this purpose.
Reload actionThe button name may change based on the context.
Loading stateIf the undo process takes time, display an intermediate loading state where the user cannot take any action. Use Spin with size XS. However, refrain from using this state to display any other processes in the interface; instead, opt for the ProgressBar in such cases.
Completion stateUpon successful completion, show a notification that confirms the undo action (use an icon with M size). The height of the notification should be the same as the previous state. Refer to the animation description below for recommendations on animation and timing.
SuccessThis type of notification is suitable for conveying the success of user actions within the interface. It includes an additional colored icon to quickly convey the response of the interface to the user's actions without relying on reading the text.
FailureThis type of notification is suitable for conveying the failure of user actions within the interface.
No connectionFor systems capable of monitoring the network connection on their own, use a notice without a button.
No connection with actionFor interfaces unable to monitor the network connection and requiring a page refresh, utilize a notice with the "Reload the page" button.
Special event notificationThis notification is specifically designed for various events, holidays, and similar occasions. You can animate elements inside this notification to add visual appeal and engagement.


  • The notice appears in the upper-right corner of the report, below the main website menu, with 12px margins at the top and right.
  • When scrolling, it remains fixed in the upper-right corner with the same 12px margins.

  • The alert has a fixed width of 300px.
  • Container has paddings 12px 28px 12px 12px.
  • There is an 8px margin between the button and the text.
  • If there is a spinner preceding the text, then the margin between the spinner and the text is 4px (use Spin with XS size).
  • In the loading and success states, the margin between the spinner/icon and the text is also 4px.
  • For the loading state, use Spin with XS size.
  • For the success state, use an icon with M size.


  • The notification slides in from the right edge and closes with a fade effect.
  • The alert automatically closes after 5 seconds on a timer. The delay value can be adjusted depending on the amount of text in the alert.
  • Optionally, certain notifications can be left until the user manually closes them.

Usage in UX/UI


  • To prevent "banner blindness" and irritation among users, it is essential to minimize the number of notifications.
  • Users can close the notification by clicking on the Close icon in the upper-right corner.
  • If the notification is closed automatically by a timer, hovering the mouse over it (onMouseEnter) will reset the timer, and it will start counting down again to the closing. -The "Undo" button allows users to cancel a completed action. Upon clicking it, a message with the text "Undone!" will briefly appear in the notification. This state remains active for 2 seconds.
  • If the undone process takes time, display an intermediate state with a spinner (within the same notice) and the corresponding text. Once the process is successfully completed, confirm it with the message "Undone!". When the loading state is closed, consider the undone notice to be closed as well, specifically it shouldn't appear additionally.

Several notices at a time


Note that you can choose to show several notices at a time if necessary, but use this option thoughtfully.

  • It is recommended to display only one notification at a time for two primary reasons. Firstly, having multiple messages can hide valuable screen workspace, and secondly, they may scatter the user's focus of attention. If multiple messages are shown simultaneously, there is a likelihood that they will not be read.
  • If several actions are performed simultaneously by the system, they overlap each other in the same way as user actions, so only the last message will be visible.

Notice about lost connection

  • This type of notification appears as soon as the network connection is lost. It is commonly used in products that allow users to continue working with content even without network access.
  • This notification acts as a separate alert and has the highest priority. Therefore, when it appears, all other user and system notifications appear below it. Each subsequent notification will overlap the previous one.
  • The notice automatically closes when the connection is restored and cannot be closed manually by the user.
  • There are two options for this notice type:
  1. For interfaces that can monitor the network connection themselves, use a notification without a button.
  2. For interfaces that cannot monitor the network connection themselves and require a page refresh, use an alert notification with the "Reload the page" button.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.