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Slider is a component designed for choosing values within a specified range.

According to Nielsen Norman Group, a slider with a wide range of values offers a smoother and continuous control experience for the user compared to controls with only a few fixed options.

Use it when:

  • You need to visualize a range from which the user can select an approximate value.
  • You want to visualize the maximum range of a usual InputNumber.
  • The user needs to specify an approximate value, such as adjusting color brightness.

Component composition

The Slider component consists of the following:

  • Slider.Knob
  • Slider.Bar
  • Value
  • (Optional) Slider.Options with Slider.Item inside.


When designing this type of input, consider the Akkot-Tsai law, which describes how the time taken to perform an action depends on the thickness and width of the horizontal control used for that action. Larger slider knobs and bars make using sliders easier and faster.


Default component sizes:

  • Bar height: 4px
  • Knob size: 20px * 20px


Default component styles:

  • Bar color: --progress-bar-bg
  • Progress and knob color: --control-primary-info

Value labels

You can display values under the input.


For mobile devices, display values or tooltips with values above the input. On touch devices, the values should appear above the finger while manipulating the slider knob.



Slider states
StateDescriptionAppearance example
DefaultKnob size is 20px * 20px.
HoverThe color of the bar changes to --progress-bar-bg-hover. The slider knob changes color to --control-primary-info-hover. The cursor changes to pointer.
Active/FocusThe slider knob scales to 30px * 30px. Clicking anywhere on the bar pulls up the slider and sets it to the active state.

Linked input

The easiest way to avoid invalid values is to provide an input alongside the slider, letting users enter the exact value.

This design reduces errors associated with switching between mouse and keyboard. Ensure that keyboard shortcuts can still be used when the input is focused.

  • If the user enters a value through the associated input, the hover effect is not applied to the slider. The slider knob moves according to the value entered in the input.
Slider with linked input in active state
StateDescriptionAppearance example
Active/FocusClicking on the input pulls the slider knob to the corresponding value and sets it to the active state.
  • If the input has a maximum value, and the user enters a value greater than the maximum, show a warning tooltip with an appropriate message.

Usage in UX/UI

When to use the slider

This input works best when the user doesn't need to enter a specific value but wants to choose an approximate value.

As shown in the earlier example, changing color brightness or volume are the main use cases for the slider component.

Usage on mobile devices

Consider the context of the interface. Clicking and dragging a control to an exact location on mobile devices can be challenging. Many users accidentally move the slider knob off the value they were trying to select when lifting their finger off the screen, as mentioned by Nielsen Norman Group.

Input values placement

Consider how users will interact with the control. Avoid placing value labels under the input on mobile devices, as this may obscure them when users interact with the control.

To ensure the labels remain visible during interaction, place them either to the left/right or above the slider.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.