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Error message


Error message is a component for displaying error message on the page. Use it for global error messages. Global errors is a pattern for pages blocking the user from working with the website, and informing why the system can't display the content. This pattern is also related to server errors, limitations, etc.


Composition, styles, and margins of the message:

  • For an image in svg format use width: 240px, height: 240px, margin-right: 40px.
  • For title use text with 36px size (--fs-700, --lh-700), --text-primary color and margin-bottom: 16px.
  • For message text use text with 14px size (--fs-200, --lh-200), --text-primary color and margin-bottom: 24px.
  • For CTA use buttons with L size (optional).
  • Captcha (optional).


State description should be brief. Two or three small sentences usually are enough.


  • Margin between the illustration and the message is 40px.
  • Maximum width of the message is 640px. Top margin of the container with the message is 32px.

Positioning on page

The message is centered horizontally and vertically. Give a container with an error message a relative height – height: 70vh.

Appearance on small screens

For screens less than 768px:

  • change layout of the message to vertical;
  • change illustration's size to 200px * 200px;
  • change margin between the illustration and a message from 40px to 8px;
  • stretch controls to the width of the content.

Page not found

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


We got lost


It looks like this page doesn't exist. Try going back or click the button below and we'll take you home.


Go to homepage (if not logged in, it leads you to the main Semrush; if logged in, it leads you to the Dashboard).

Project not found

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Project not found


We cannot find the project you’re trying to access. Check one of the following issues:

  • The project may have been deleted or there is an error in the URL entered.
  • Maybe you don’t have permission to view the project. Please request access from the project owner.

You can find all your projects on the Projects page.

If you have any other problems with access to the project, please contact our Support Team.


  • Go to Projects (leads you to the projects page).
  • Contact us (sends the user to the support page).

Something went wrong

Unexpected problem

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Something went wrong


We are aware of the issue and are working to fix it. Please try again later or contact the Support Team.


Reload page (refreshes the page).

Known problem

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Something went wrong


Don't worry though, we are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.

Please try again later.


Try again (refreshes the page).

Under maintenance

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


{product name} is under maintenance


We are doing our best to fix it as soon as possible. Please come back later.


Go to homepage (if not logged in, it leads you to the main Semrush; if logged in, it leads you to the Dashboard).

Log in to access

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Log in to view the page


It seems that you were lost in space. Please log in or sign up to view the page.


  • The "Log in" button leads to a page with a login form.
  • The "Sign up" button leads to the same page, but with the registration form.

Access denied

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


You’ve found the secret page


You’re missing the administrator permissions to access this page. Go back to the previous page or visit our homepage.


Go to homepage (if not logged in, it leads you to the main Semrush; if logged in, it leads you to the Dashboard).

Connection was lost

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Connection was lost


There seems to be a problem with your internet connection.

Reconnect and reload the page.


  • Reload page (refreshes the page).
  • or wait {XX}s

Connection timed out

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Connection timed out


The initial connection between Cloudflare’s network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the webpage cannot be displayed.

  • Ray ID: {000000000000000}
  • Your IP address: {}
  • Error reference number: 522
  • Cloudflare Location POP: {undef}

Blocked (Bad) request

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


The request feels... off


This is the 400 error page. Try one of the following:

  1. Make sure the URL is correct.
  2. Clear cookies or turn off your browser extensions.


  • Go to homepage (if not logged in, it leads you to the main Semrush; if logged in, it leads you to the Dashboard).
  • Contact support.


Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Confirm you are a real person


We need to make sure you’re not a robot.

Please complete the security check, and we’ll be out of your way.


  • Submit (confirms the action, then we take the user to the page where they were going).
  • Captcha (confirms the action, then we take the user to the page where they were going).

Payment cannot be accepted

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


Your payment cannot be accepted


Unfortunately, we don’t accept payments from {Russian Federation}.


Go to Dashboard (leads user to the Dashboard)..

DNS Resolution Error

Illustration can be found in the internal Figma library.


DNS resolution error


You've requested a page on a website ( that is on the Cloudflare network. Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain ( There are two potential causes of this:

  • Most likely: if the owner just signed up for Cloudflare it can take a few minutes for the website's information to be distributed to our global network.

  • Less likely: something is wrong with this site's configuration. Usually this happens when accounts have been signed up with a partner organization (for example, a hosting provider) and the provider's DNS fails.

    • Ray ID: {000000000000000}

    • Timestamp: {Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:00 GMT}

    • Your IP address: {}

    • Requested URL: {example.URL/foo}

    • Error reference number: 1001

    • Server ID: {FL_FOO}

    • User-Agent: {Example}

Global errors usage

When do we use it?

In case of an error defined by the HTTP state code.

  • DNS resolution error (1xx)
  • Access denied – Access request (403)
  • Page not found, Project not found (404)
  • Connection lost (408)
  • Something went wrong (500, 520)
  • Connection timed out (522)

In case of a state caused by security reasons:

  • Blocked request
  • Confirmation

Additional situations where the state blocks all content and restricts access to it:

  • Your account has been deleted
  • Project not found
  • Under maintenance
  • Your payment cannot be accepted

Use cases

There are two possible cases of the pattern's use:

  • As a full-page for the whole website.
  • As a state of the product.


The location is the same in both cases: the placeholder is centered vertically and horizontally on the page.

For the whole websiteIn the product


  1. If the error is processed by Cloudflare, we don't add buttons.
  2. In other cases, it's recommended to add controls allowing the user:
    • to leave the page, such as Go to homepage
    • to handle the problem and reload the page, such as Reload page, Try again, or Submit
  3. The Contact us button is only used for unexpected errors, so that the user can contact support and report the problem.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.