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Switch is a component that enables users to easily switch between two options or states without needing to refresh the page or confirm their choice.

Component composition

Component consists of the following:

  • Switch.Value
  • Switch.Addon



The switch comes in three sizes: m, l and xl.

The switch includes a text label, which can be added to one or both of the states. When the option is enabled, the text color uses the --text-primary token, and when the option is disabled, the text color uses the --text-secondary token.

Switch sizes and styles
Switch size (height in px)Appearance example and marginsStyles
M (12px)font-size: var(--fs-100), margin between the control and the text is 8px
L (20px)font-size: var(--fs-200), margin between the control and the text is 8px
XL (24px)font-size: var(--fs-300), margin between the control and the text is 8px


The Switch component offers two themes: info and success.

Switch themes
ThemeAppearance exampleUsage
infoDefault theme.
successTheme for highlighting a positive enabled state of the switch.

Switch with icon

For larger sizes of the component (l and xl), you have the option to include an icon within the Switch.Value. It is recommended to use different icons for the off and on states.

Icon inside the Switch.Value
sizeNormal stateChecked state


Switch states
StateAppearance exampleStyles
Normalbackground: var(--control-switch-bg)
Checked background: var(--control-primary-success) or background: var(--control-primary-info).
Disabled Transparency of the component changes to 30%. Use --disabled-opacity token.

Usage in UX/UI

For clear actions when using the toggle, use positive language for text labels in the Switch. Avoid negations like "Don't show trending subtopics," as they can cause confusion about the switch's effect. Instead, use language that clearly indicates what the switch does, such as "Show trending subtopics."

When making labels, use action verbs like "Send by email" to clearly indicate the switch's purpose.

But, in cases with limited interface space or when the label is part of a switch group (specifically in settings), it's okay to use labels without verbs.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.