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Click Potential, Competitive Density, CPC


General recommendations for filters are described in the Filter common rules guide.

These filters are combined in one guide, since they differ only in the sorting parameter and the name. The principle of work and states are the same.


Click Potential filter is a filter to sort the data on the page by the Click Potential parameter.

Competitive Density filter is a filter to sort the data on the page by the Competitive Density parameter.

CPC filter is a filter to sort the data on the page by the CPC parameter.

They contain only a field for a custom range value, there is no preset data, since click potetntial, competitive density and cost per click are very individual parameters for each product.

When working with these filters, it is important for the user to:

  • quickly enter the data it needs;
  • quickly understand that nothing was found;
  • quickly reset the entered data and search again;
  • be able to change data.



Set the trigger min-width to 80px. It's not recommended to make the trigger smaller. When there is enough space in the interface, make the width of the trigger dependent on the content, so the label inside the trigger doesn't have to be collapsed into the ellipsis.

FilterAppearance exampleDescription
Click Potentialdefault activeThe Click Potential filter trigger always has one size. Don’t abbreviate its name.
Competitive Densitydefault active
CPCdefault activeThe CPC filter trigger always has one size. Abbreviate its name to CPC (USD).

Don't make a dropdown width less than 224px, otherwise the maximum possible values will not fit into the custom range inputs.

FilterAppearance example
Click Potentialopened cp filled cp
Competitive Densityopened cd filled cd
CPCopened cpc filled cpc

Custom range

If the filter has the ability to select a custom period, then use InputNumber.

The behavior and appearance of the stepper buttons is described in the Filter common rules.


When user opens a dropdown, the focus immediately goes to the first custom range input.

Working and interacting with the filter are described in detail in the Filter common rules.


For more information about tooltips, see Filter common rules.

FilterAppearance example
Click Potentialtooltips cp
Competitive Densitytooltips cd
CPCtooltips cpc


Validation is described in the Filter common rules.

Nothing found

"Empty" states is described in the Filter common rules.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.