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Wrapping components

The tag property

Intergalactic components are built with polymorphic typings, that means that you can provide tag property that will redefine allowed properties list.

import Button from 'intergalactic/button';
// Error: Property 'href' does not exist on type... 
  Hello world
import Button from 'intergalactic/button';
// Error: Property 'href' does not exist on type... 
  Hello world
  Hello world
  Hello world

tag property also accepts React components and other Intergalactic components what allows you to easley combine logic of visual appearance of both components.

import React from 'react';
import Select from 'intergalactic/select';
import { LinkTrigger } from 'intergalactic/base-trigger';

const options = Array(6)
  .map((_, index) => ({ value: index, children: `Label ${index}` }));

const Demo = () => <Select tag={LinkTrigger} options={options} placeholder='Select' />;

export default Demo;
import React from 'react';
import Select from 'intergalactic/select';
import { LinkTrigger } from 'intergalactic/base-trigger';

const options = Array(6)
  .map((_, index) => ({ value: index, children: `Label ${index}` }));

const Demo = () => <Select tag={LinkTrigger} options={options} placeholder='Select' />;

export default Demo;

The tag property is not included in the component's props, so you can't make wrappers by simple using that.

import Select, { SelectProps } from 'intergalactic/select'

const WrappedSelect = ({
  tag, // Property tag does not exist on type SelectProps. 
}: SelectProps) => (
  <Select {...other} />
import Select, { SelectProps } from 'intergalactic/select'

const WrappedSelect = ({
  tag, // Property tag does not exist on type SelectProps. 
}: SelectProps) => (
  <Select {...other} />

Making wrappers

Use the special utility wrapIntergalacticComponent to wrap components. It does nothing in runtime but ensures correct typings in TypeScript.

import React from 'react';
import { wrapIntergalacticComponent } from 'intergalactic/core';
import Button from 'intergalactic/button';

const AlertButton = wrapIntergalacticComponent<
  typeof Button,
    handle: ('click' | 'hover')[];
    message: string;
>(({ handle, message, ...restProps }) => {
  const handleClick = () => {
    if (handle.includes('click')) {
  const handleMouseOver = () => {
    if (handle.includes('hover')) {

  return <Button {...restProps} onClick={handleClick} onMouseOver={handleMouseOver} />;

const Demo = () => (
  <AlertButton handle={['click']} message='Hello world'>
    Click me

export default Demo;
import React from 'react';
import { wrapIntergalacticComponent } from 'intergalactic/core';
import Button from 'intergalactic/button';

const AlertButton = wrapIntergalacticComponent<
  typeof Button,
    handle: ('click' | 'hover')[];
    message: string;
>(({ handle, message, ...restProps }) => {
  const handleClick = () => {
    if (handle.includes('click')) {
  const handleMouseOver = () => {
    if (handle.includes('hover')) {

  return <Button {...restProps} onClick={handleClick} onMouseOver={handleMouseOver} />;

const Demo = () => (
  <AlertButton handle={['click']} message='Hello world'>
    Click me

export default Demo;

Complex components wrappers

Some components props are generic, for example Select component has generic value and DataTable has generic data. For such components, special wrapping utilities are provided.

It available for the following components:

  1. wrapDataTable, wrapDataTableRow, wrapDataTableCell for DataTable.
  2. wrapAccordion for Accordion.
  3. wrapPills for Pills.
  4. wrapRadioGroup for Radio.
  5. wrapSelect for Select.
  6. wrapSlider for Slider.
  7. wrapTabLine for TabLine.
  8. wrapTabPanel for TabPanel.
  9. wrapWizardStepper for Wizard.
import React from 'react';
import DataTable, { wrapDataTable } from 'intergalactic/data-table';
import Card from 'intergalactic/card';

const CardDataTable = wrapDataTable<{ title: string }>(({ title, ...restProps }) => {
  return (
      <Card.Body px={0}>
        <DataTable {...restProps} />

const Demo = () => {
  return (
    <CardDataTable data={data} title='A table combined with card'>
        <DataTable.Column name='keyword' children='Keyword' />
        <DataTable.Column name='kd' children='KD,%' />
        <DataTable.Column name='cpc' children='CPC' />
        <DataTable.Column name='vol' children='Vol.' />
      <DataTable.Body />

const data = [
    keyword: 'ebay buy',
    kd: '77.8',
    cpc: '$1.25',
    vol: '32,500,000',
    keyword: '',
    kd: '11.2',
    cpc: '$3.4',
    vol: '65,457,920',
    keyword: '',
    kd: '10',
    cpc: '$0.65',
    vol: '47,354,640',

export default Demo;
import React from 'react';
import DataTable, { wrapDataTable } from 'intergalactic/data-table';
import Card from 'intergalactic/card';

const CardDataTable = wrapDataTable<{ title: string }>(({ title, ...restProps }) => {
  return (
      <Card.Body px={0}>
        <DataTable {...restProps} />

const Demo = () => {
  return (
    <CardDataTable data={data} title='A table combined with card'>
        <DataTable.Column name='keyword' children='Keyword' />
        <DataTable.Column name='kd' children='KD,%' />
        <DataTable.Column name='cpc' children='CPC' />
        <DataTable.Column name='vol' children='Vol.' />
      <DataTable.Body />

const data = [
    keyword: 'ebay buy',
    kd: '77.8',
    cpc: '$1.25',
    vol: '32,500,000',
    keyword: '',
    kd: '11.2',
    cpc: '$3.4',
    vol: '65,457,920',
    keyword: '',
    kd: '10',
    cpc: '$0.65',
    vol: '47,354,640',

export default Demo;

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.