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ColorPicker is a component that allows the user selecting a color from a given list or input a custom color using its HEX code.

ColorPicker contains:

  • Trigger
  • List of ColorPicker.Items
  • Input (optional)


The trigger for a ColorPicker is a Select with a circle as the leading addon.


List of colors

A list of colors can include either a single ColorPicker.Item or multiple ones, which are preview swatches that display all available color values.

List of colors and its items
ColorPicker.ItemList of ColorPicker.Items


ColorPicker.Item has 28px * 28px size.


All margins must be multiples of 4. The default recommended margins are 4px:

Item types

An item can have two different types:

Color items
TypeAppearance exampleUsage
Item for background colorUse for changing the background color. For example, a user can pick colors to visually separate their competitors.
Item for text colorUse for changing the Tag color, for example


  • In the hover state, trigger has a border: 1px solid var(--border-secondary).
  • In the active state, trigger changes its border color to var(--border-info-active).

Default item

Color item states
Item typeNormalHoverActiveUsage
Background colorUse for changing the background color of other components.
Text colorUse for changing text and background colors of other components.
No background colorUse when no color is selected.
No text colorUse when no color is selected.

Item for custom colors

Custom color item states
Item typeNormalHoverActiveUsage
Background colorUse for changing the background color of other components.
Text colorUse for changing the text and background colors of other components.

Item for adding colors

States of item for adding colors
Item typeNormalHoverActiveUsage
Add color buttonUse Button with icon and change border-radius to 50%.

Width and height

The recommended width of a dropdown is 188px. The height of a dropdown list depends on its content.

Showing all available colors in the DropdownMenu is crucial, however, if a user has added more than 20 custom colors, a scrollbar should be displayed.

DropdownMenu appearance
DropdownMenuDropdownMenu with more than 20 colors

Margins and paddings

Custom colors (optional)

Users have the ability to add or remove custom colors, but they cannot modify default or existing custom colors.


We recommend that your product sync and save the user's custom palette in different parts of the interface.

Adding custom color

Users can add a color to the custom palette by entering the value into the input field and saving it by pressing Enter or clicking the Check button.

The input field only allows six characters, including numbers and letters from A to F. If the user enters fewer or more characters, or characters that cannot be converted to a 6-character HEX value, the input gets the invalid state.

To help users fix the invalid input, add the following message to the tooltip: "Please enter 6 latin letters and/or digits."


User can enter both upper-case and lower-case characters, but the input will save them as upper-case.

Removing custom color

Usage in UX/UI

Components that you can use as a trigger for the ColorPicker:

ColorPicker.Item can be placed inside the following components:

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.