Select / Multiselect
If you need more customization for the dropdown menu, refer to intergalactic/popper.
The Select component serves as a wrapper over DropdownMenu with the additional functionality of item selection.
Basic usage
In the simplest case, you can implement the select by passing an array of options. The options
array consists of objects with the following fields:
: the value of the selected option.label
: the value displayed in the trigger when selecting an option.children
: represents nested options displayed in the dropdown list.
import React from 'react';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const options = Array(6)
.map((_, index) => ({
value: index, // value of the selected option
label: `Option ${index}`, // the value displayed in the trigger when the option is selected
children: `Option ${index}`, // option's children displayed in the dropdown
const Demo = () => (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='basic-select'>
Basic select
<Select mt={2} mr='auto' options={options} placeholder='Select option' id='basic-select' />
export default Demo;
Custom selected label
In the label
in option
item, you could set custom display value for selected option.
import React from 'react';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const options = Array(6)
.map((_, index) => ({
value: index, // value of the selected option
label: `Label ${index}`, // the value displayed in the trigger when the option is selected
children: `Option ${index}`, // option's children displayed in the dropdown
const Demo = () => (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='select-custom-label'>
Select with custom selected label
placeholder='Select option'
export default Demo;
Controlled and uncontrolled modes
The component can operate in either controlled or uncontrolled mode.
import React from 'react';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const options = Array(6)
.map((_, index) => ({
value: index,
label: `Option ${index}`,
children: `Option ${index}`,
const { value: initialValue } = options[0];
const Demo = () => {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(initialValue);
return (
<Flex gap={2} flexWrap>
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='controlled-mode-select'>
Controlled mode
placeholder='Select option'
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='uncontrolled-mode-select'>
Uncontrolled mode
placeholder='Select option'
export default Demo;
Trigger customization
When you need to customize the trigger, you can pass the desired component to the tag
property of the select. The property will be passed to Select.Trigger
and replace its render.
import React from 'react';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { ButtonTrigger, LinkTrigger } from '@semcore/base-trigger';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const options = Array(6)
.map((_, index) => ({
value: index,
label: `Option ${index}`,
children: `Option ${index}`,
const Demo = () => (
<Flex gap={4} flexWrap direction='column'>
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='button-trigger-select'>
Button trigger select
{/* ButtonTrigger is the default trigger */}
placeholder='Select option'
<Flex direction='column'>
<Select tag={LinkTrigger} options={options} placeholder='Select option' mt={2} mr='auto' />
export default Demo;
In cases when you require deeper customization, you can "unfold" the component into its constituents. The following example shows how to create a Select component for selecting a list of countries.
import React from 'react';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Flags, { iso2Name, FlagsIso2 } from '@semcore/flags';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const formatName = (name?: string) => name?.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2');
const flags = Object.keys(iso2Name) as FlagsIso2[];
const Demo = () => {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState<FlagsIso2 | undefined>(undefined);
return (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='language-select'>
Language select
<Select onChange={(v: FlagsIso2) => setValue(v)} placeholder='Select country'>
<Select.Trigger mt={2} mr='auto' id='language-select'>
<Flags iso2={value} />
<Select.Trigger.Text>{value ? formatName(iso2Name[value]) : ''}</Select.Trigger.Text>
<Select.Menu hMax={180}>
{ => (
<Select.Option key={value} value={value}>
<Flags iso2={value as keyof typeof iso2Name} mr={2} />
export default Demo;
Menu customization
Similar to intergalactic/dropdown-menu, the dropdown menu can be implemented in two ways:
These components serve as wrappers over the corresponding components of the DropdownMenu.
is a layout for the dropdown window.Select.List
is a component for the option list with the ScrollArea inside.Select.Menu
is a wrapper overSelect.Popper
, and all props are passed toSelect.List
This example shows how to insert a Notice in the Select dropdown window.
import React from 'react';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Notice from '@semcore/notice';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const options = Array(12)
.map((_, index) => `Option ${index}`);
const noticeStyle = {
border: 'none',
borderRadius: '0 0 6px 6px',
padding: '12px 8px',
const Demo = () => (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='customized-dropdown-select'>
Customized dropdown
<Select placeholder={'Select something'}>
<Select.Trigger mt={2} mr='auto' id='customized-dropdown-select' />
<Select.Popper aria-label={'Options and notice'}>
<Select.List hMax='240px'>
{, index) => (
<Select.Option value={option} key={index}>
<Notice style={noticeStyle}>
<Notice.Content aria-live='polite'>Woooop, it's simple magic!</Notice.Content>
export default Demo;
The component offers several variants of options layout:
: an element of the list (can be selected)Select.Option.Checkbox
: a checkbox for an option in a multiselectSelect.Option.Hint
: a subtitle for an optionSelect.Group
: a group of options, with atitle
(required) andsubTitle
import React from 'react';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const Demo = () => (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='options-select'>
placeholder='There are several option types'
<Select.Option value={1}>Default option</Select.Option>
<Select.Option value={2}>
<Select.Option.Checkbox />
Checkbox option
<Select.Option value={3} disabled>
<Select.Option.Checkbox />
Disabled checkbox option
<Select.Option value={3}>
<Select.Option.Checkbox indeterminate />
Indeterminate checkbox option
<Select.Option.Hint>Hint for the option</Select.Option.Hint>
<Select.Group title={'Group title'} subTitle={'Hint for the title'}>
<Select.Option value={4}>1st option in group</Select.Option>
<Select.Option value={5}>2nd option in group</Select.Option>
<Select.Option value={6}>3rd option in group</Select.Option>
export default Demo;
Options filtering
The InputSearch
is added to Select for filtering elements in the list. This is a stylized wrapper over the Input component with a Search
icon and a Clear button.
This example shows one of the ways to implement filtering.
import React from 'react';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { ScreenReaderOnly } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
const Demo = () => {
const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('');
const options = React.useMemo(
() =>
data.filter((option) => {
return option.value.toString().toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase());
return (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='options-filtering-select'>
<Select placeholder='Select a fruit'>
<Select.Trigger id='options-filtering-select' mr='auto' mt={2} />
<Select.Popper aria-label={'Fruits with search'}>
aria-describedby={filter ? 'search-result' : undefined}
<Select.List hMax={'224px'}>
{{ value, label }) => (
<Select.Option value={value} key={value}>
{options.length ? (
<ScreenReaderOnly id='search-result' aria-hidden={'true'}>
{options.length} result{options.length > 1 && 's'} found
) : (
p={'6px 8px'}
Nothing found
const data = [
].map((item) => ({
label: item,
value: item,
export default Demo;
Advanced filtering control
To get more control over the parts of InputSearch
component, you can use the children InputSearch.SearchIcon
, InputSearch.Value
and InputSearch.Clear
In this example the Clear button handler is disabled.
import React from 'react';
import Select, { InputSearch } from '@semcore/select';
import { ScreenReaderOnly } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
const Demo = () => {
const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('');
const options = React.useMemo(
() =>
data.filter((option) => {
return option.value.toString().toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase());
return (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='options-filtering-advanced'>
<Select placeholder='Select a fruit'>
<Select.Trigger id='options-filtering-advanced' mr='auto' mt={2} />
<Select.Popper aria-label={'Fruit options with search'}>
<InputSearch value={filter} onChange={setFilter}>
<InputSearch.SearchIcon />
aria-describedby={filter ? 'search-result-advanced' : undefined}
onClick={() => {
return false;
<Select.List hMax={'224px'}>
{{ value, label }) => (
<Select.Option value={value} key={value}>
{options.length ? (
<ScreenReaderOnly id='search-result-advanced' aria-hidden={'true'}>
{options.length} result{options.length > 1 && 's'} found
) : (
<Select.OptionHint id='search-result-advanced' key='Nothing'>
Nothing found
const data = [
].map((item) => ({
label: item,
value: item,
export default Demo;
Loading state
import React from 'react';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import Spin from '@semcore/spin';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const Demo = () => (
<Flex gap={4} flexWrap>
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='loading-select'>
Normal loading state
<Select mt={2} mr='auto' id='loading-select'>
<Select.Trigger loading>Trigger</Select.Trigger>
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='loading-select-no-chevron'>
Loading state without chevron
<Select mt={2} mr='auto' id='loading-select-no-chevron'>
<Select.Trigger chevron={false} placeholder={<Spin size='xs' mx={4} />} tabIndex={-1} />
export default Demo;
The component has the ability to select several options. This functionality can be enabled by using the multiselect
The internal layout of options will change to include Select.Option.Checkbox
, and the value
will become an array.
import React from 'react';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
const options = Array(20)
.map((_, index) => ({
value: index,
label: `Option ${index}`,
children: `Option ${index}`,
const Demo = () => (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='multiselect-select'>
<Select mt={2} mr='auto' id='multiselect-select' options={options} multiselect />
export default Demo;
Sorting multiselect options
This example shows one of the ways to sort the selected options.
import React from 'react';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
interface Option {
value: number;
title: string;
const options = Array(20)
.map((i, idx) => ({
value: idx,
title: `Awesome option ${idx}`,
const Option = ({ value, title }: Option) => (
<Select.Option value={value} key={value}>
<Select.Option.Checkbox />
const Demo = () => {
const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<number[]>([]);
const [prevSelected, setPrevSelected] = React.useState<Option[]>([]);
const handleVisibleChange = (value: boolean) => {
if (value) return;
setPrevSelected(options.filter((o) => selected.includes(o.value)));
const renderOptions = () => {
if (!prevSelected.length) {
return => <Option key={props.value} {...props} />);
const [checked, unchecked] = options.reduce<[Option[], Option[]]>(
(acc, o) => {
prevSelected.find((v) => v.value === o.value) ? acc[0].push(o) : acc[1].push(o);
return acc;
[[], []],
return [ => <Option key={props.value} {...props} />),
<Select.Divider />, => <Option key={props.value} {...props} />),
return (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='sortable-multiselect'>
Sortable multiselect
onChange={(v: number[]) => setSelected(v)}
placeholder='Select values'
<Select.Trigger mt={2} mr='auto' id='sortable-multiselect' />
<Select.Menu hMax='240px'>{renderOptions()}</Select.Menu>
export default Demo;
As with many of our components, you can access the logic of the component by passing a render-function to it.
This example shows how to implement "Select all" and "Deselect all" buttons using this function.
import React from 'react';
import Select from '@semcore/select';
import { Text } from '@semcore/typography';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/flex-box';
const options = Array(5)
.map((i, idx) => ({
value: `Option ${idx}`,
const Demo = () => (
<Flex direction='column'>
<Text tag='label' size={200} htmlFor='render-function-select'>
Select with custom render function
<Select placeholder='Select value' multiselect>
{(props, handlers) => {
const {
getTriggerProps, // function encapsulating Select.Trigger logic
getPopperProps, // function encapsulating Select.Popper logic
getListProps, // function encapsulating Select.List logic
getDividerProps, // function encapsulating Select.Divider logic
getItemHintProps, // function encapsulating Select.Item.Hint logic
getItemProps, // function encapsulating Select.Item logic,
getItemTitleProps, // function encapsulating Select.ItemTitle logic
getGroupProps, // function encapsulating Select.Group logic
getOptionProps, // function encapsulating Select.Option logic
getOptionCheckboxProps, // function encapsulating Select.Option.Checkbox logic
value: currentValue, // the current value of the select
visible: currentVisible, // the current value of visibility state
} = props;
const {
visible, // function that controls visibility
value, // function that controls value
highlightedIndex, // function that controls the index of the highlighted item
} = handlers;
// we manually highlight the first option from the list except 'select all / deselect all'
React.useEffect(() => {
if (currentVisible === true) {
}, [currentVisible]);
const handleClick = () => {
const newValue = (currentValue as any).length ? [] :{ value }) => value);
return false; // cancel the default handler
return (
<Select.Trigger mt={2} mr='auto' id='render-function-select' />
<Select.Option value='%all%' onClick={handleClick}>
<Text color='text-link'>
{(currentValue as any).length ? 'Deselect all' : 'Select all'}
{ => (
<Select.Option value={option.value} key={option.value}>
<Select.Option.Checkbox />
export default Demo;