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What component has

Keyboard support

Keyboard support
TabMoves focus to the checked radio button in the radiogroup. If a radio button isn’t checked, focus moves to the first radio button in the group. In case the focus is already on a radio button, the next Tab press will move the focus to the next focusable element on the page outside the radiogroup.
Shift + TabMoves focus to the previous focusable element.
Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right ArrowMoves focus to and checks the next/previous radio button in the group. If focus is on the last/first radio button, moves focus to the first/last radio button respectively. The state of the previously checked radio button is changed to unchecked.

Roles and attributes

The following list describes roles and attributes that component already has.

Roles and attributes
RadioGroupgroupIdentifies the div element as a container for a group of native radio inputs. Isn’t focusable because focus is managed using a roving tabindex strategy as described below.
Radio.Valueradio implicit on <input type="radio">Identifies the input as an ARIA radio button. The accessible name is computed from the child text content of the Radio.Text.
Radio.ValuetabIndex="0"Makes the radio button focusable and includes it in the page Tab sequence. Set on only one radio in the radio group. On page load, is set on the first radio button in the radio group. Moves with focus inside the radio group so the most recently focused radio button is included in the page Tab sequence. This approach to managing focus is described in the W3C roving tabindex documentation.
Radio.ValuetabIndex="-1"Makes the element focusable but not part of the page Tab sequence. Applied to all radio buttons contained in the radio group except for one that is included in the page Tab sequence.

Considerations for developers

If you use RadioGroup component to group radio buttons, add a common label and connect it through aria-labelledby. Refer to the RadioGroup example.

RadioGrouparia-labelledby="[IDREF]"Refers to the element that contains the label of the radio group.

Grouping with fieldset

You can also group Radio controls using the <fieldset> tag. The <legend> tag describes the grouping. Some assistive technologies read the <legend> text, so it should be brief and descriptive. This helps users understand the question they are answering with the group of radio buttons.


Other recommendations

See more accessibility recommendations in the common Accessibility guide.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.