The Wizard component inherits from the Modal component, so you can use all of its properties.
Basic example
import React from 'react';
import Wizard from '@semcore/ui/wizard';
import Button from '@semcore/ui/button';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/ui/flex-box';
import { Text } from '@semcore/ui/typography';
const steps = [{ title: 'Location' }, { title: 'Keywords' }, { title: 'Schedule' }];
const Demo = () => {
const [step, setStep] = React.useState(1);
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false);
const handleOpen = () => setVisible(true);
const handleClose = () => setVisible(false);
return (
<Button onClick={handleOpen}>Open modal</Button>
<Wizard visible={visible} step={step} w={600} onClose={handleClose}>
<Wizard.Sidebar title='Site Audit Settings'>
<Wizard.Stepper step={1} onActive={setStep} completed>
<Wizard.Stepper step={2} onActive={setStep}>
<Wizard.Stepper step={3} onActive={setStep}>
<Wizard.Content tag={Flex} direction='column' justifyContent='space-between'>
<Wizard.Step step={1}>
<Text size={500} tag={'h3'}>
<Wizard.Step step={2}>
<Text size={500} tag={'h3'}>
<Wizard.Step step={3}>
<Text size={500} tag={'h3'}>
<Flex mt={5}>
{step > 1 && <Wizard.StepBack onActive={setStep} stepName={steps[step - 2].title} />}
{step !== steps.length && (
<Wizard.StepNext ml={'auto'} onActive={setStep} stepName={steps[step].title} />
export default Demo;
Custom step
As the Wizard is typically a complex component, you have the flexibility to use your own components for the steps or pass a function inside to have more control.
import React from 'react';
import Wizard from '@semcore/ui/wizard';
import Button from '@semcore/ui/button';
import { Text } from '@semcore/ui/typography';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/ui/flex-box';
import Input from '@semcore/ui/input';
const Step1 = React.forwardRef(function (_props, ref: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>) {
return (
<Flex ref={ref} direction='column' gap={4}>
<Text size={500} tag='h3'>
<Input.Value placeholder='Keyword 1' />
<Input.Value placeholder='Keyword 2' />
const steps = [{ title: 'Keywords' }, { title: 'Location' }, { title: 'Schedule' }];
const Demo = () => {
const [step, setStep] = React.useState(1);
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false);
const handleOpen = () => setVisible(true);
const handleClose = () => setVisible(false);
return (
<Button onClick={handleOpen}>Open modal</Button>
<Wizard visible={visible} step={step} w={600} h={400} onClose={handleClose}>
<Wizard.Sidebar title='Site Audit Settings'>
<Wizard.Stepper step={1} onActive={setStep}>
<Wizard.Stepper step={2} onActive={setStep}>
<Wizard.Stepper step={3} onActive={setStep}>
<Wizard.Content tag={Flex} direction='column' justifyContent='space-between'>
<Wizard.Step tag={Step1} step={1} />
<Wizard.Step step={2}>
{(props, handlers) => {
return 'Second step';
<Wizard.Step step={3}>
<Text size={500} tag='h3'>
Final step
<Text tag='p' mt={2}>
Congratulations on passing all the steps!
<Flex mt={5}>
{step > 1 && <Wizard.StepBack onActive={setStep} stepName={steps[step - 2].title} />}
{step !== steps.length && (
<Wizard.StepNext ml='auto' onActive={setStep} stepName={steps[step].title} />
export default Demo;
Custom stepper
The stepper can also be customized.
import React from 'react';
import Wizard from '@semcore/ui/wizard';
import Button from '@semcore/ui/button';
import { Text } from '@semcore/ui/typography';
import { Flex } from '@semcore/ui/flex-box';
import Input from '@semcore/ui/input';
import Radio, { RadioGroup } from '@semcore/ui/radio';
const Step1 = React.forwardRef(function (_props, ref: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>) {
return (
<Flex ref={ref} direction='column'>
<Input mb={4}>
<Input.Value placeholder='Your name' />
<Input.Value placeholder='Your email' />
const steps = [{ title: 'Personal' }, { title: 'Keywords' }, { title: 'Import source' }];
const Demo = () => {
const [step, setStep] = React.useState(1);
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false);
const [value, setValue] = React.useState('');
const handleOpen = () => setVisible(true);
const handleClose = () => setVisible(false);
return (
<Button onClick={handleOpen}>Open modal</Button>
<Wizard visible={visible} step={step} w={600} onClose={handleClose}>
<Wizard.Sidebar title='Site Audit Settings'>
<Wizard.Stepper step={1} onActive={setStep}>
<Text color='text-secondary-invert' fontWeight={400} tag='div'>
<Wizard.Stepper step={2} onActive={setStep}>
<Wizard.Stepper step={3} onActive={setStep} number={2.1}>
Import source
<Text color='text-secondary-invert' fontWeight={400} tag='div'>
{value === '' ? 'Not selected' : value}
<Wizard.Content tag={Flex} direction='column' justifyContent='space-between'>
<Wizard.Step tag={Step1} step={1} />
<Wizard.Step step={2}>
{(props, handlers) => {
return 'Keywords';
<Wizard.Step step={3}>
<RadioGroup name='radio' value={value} onChange={setValue}>
<Radio mr={2} mb={3}>
<Radio.Value value='Manually' />
<Radio mr={2} mb={3}>
<Radio.Value value='From TXT' />
<Radio.Text>From TXT</Radio.Text>
<Radio mr={2} mb={3}>
<Radio.Value value='From SCV' />
<Radio.Text>From SCV</Radio.Text>
<Flex mt={5}>
{step > 1 && (
<Wizard.StepBack onActive={setStep}>{steps[step - 2].title}</Wizard.StepBack>
{step !== steps.length && (
<Wizard.StepNext ml='auto' onActive={setStep}>
export default Demo;